Training session, you cue your dog to sit, and instead of doing so he lays down! Dog has made a mistake… NO, there is nothing more wrong that saying “a dog has made a mistake”
Training session, you cue your dog to sit, and instead of doing so he lays down! Dog has made a mistake… NO, there is nothing more wrong that saying “a dog has made a mistake”
Na pewnym etapie wiedzy zaczynamy czuć się komfortowo i bezpiecznie, osiadamy na laurach. Czujemy się pewnie z tym co wiemy. To bardzo niebezpieczny stan.
At some level of our knowledge we settle down. We start to feel confident and safe. We become comfortable with what we know. This feeling can be dangerous.
Magiczne ćwiczenie, lek na wszystkie problemy występujące w treningu, Twój pies nie zostaje? Może nie chce trzymać koziołka? Może nie potrafi utrzymać pozycji na odległość? Może ma problem z kontaktem podczas chodzenia przy nodze? Na … Czytaj dalej
Imagine it’s your first day at the new school. Your don’t have much history of taking over initiative and speaking in public. It takes a lot of courage and strength to face this new situation. … Czytaj dalej
You can read the second part of this article here. Gunia was adopted when she was around 5 or 6 months old. She was my perfect pit-bull type dog. Even her color matched the one … Czytaj dalej